Advanced Microsoft Exchange Data Recovery Services
Through a network of more than 40 offices, Secure Data Recovery Services offers an professional option for Microsoft Exchange database recovery and file repair. We lead our industry with state-of-the-art technology, experienced engineering teams and outstanding security credentials, and our specialists can help you create an effective, affordable plan for your Exchange server.
All Exchange failures require attention from dedicated data recovery engineers. Our teams deliver fast, dependable results.
Microsoft Exchange is one of the standard enterprise-level server products used by IT professionals who need a flexible, real-time email server. Microsoft Exchange databases consist of .EDB and .STM files, which together form an Exchange store repository. Enterprise is also closely associated with file extensions such as .PST, .DAT and .DBX.
Exchange is found on Microsoft email servers, and when an Exchange server fails or loses data, a business is often unable to function normally. An inaccessible server can mean days of downtime, and unfortunately, corruption and other issues can occur without warning.
Large .EDB and .STM files sometimes become corrupt due to media failures, operating system failures and power events. Because Microsoft Exchange runs streaming databases, files can also become corrupt when the system runs a standard disk defragmentation utility while the server is operational.
Other common causes of data loss on Microsoft Exchange servers include:
- Failed RAID Rebuilds
- Hardware Failures
- Accidental File Deletion and Formatting Errors
- Electrical Damage
If you lose data from a Microsoft Exchange server, you need a capable, experienced data recovery team to help you restore functionality as quickly as possible. Secure Data Recovery Services' engineering team specializes in Microsoft Exchange corrupt file repair, and we can quickly restore your data without risking your security.
We have extensive experience with the .EDB, .STM, .PST and .DAT file formats, and by using proprietary data recovery software and advanced laboratories, we offer the highest recovery rates for all types of Exchange servers. We also offer risk-free diagnostics and an exclusive no recovery, no charge guarantee. Call us today to get started.
What to Do When a Microsoft Exchange Database Fails
If you cannot access Microsoft Exchange databases for any reason, do not attempt to run disk utilities, as these may contribute to file corruption issues. Shut down the server as quickly as possible.
Make a list of any error messages and failure symptoms that preceded your media issues. Common warning signs include unusual operating noises, disk failures and electrical events. Do not attempt to rebuild your RAID array; keep your system powered down to preserve your Exchange databases in their original condition. Never take unnecessary risks with damaged storage media, and always work with a certified data recovery provider.
Contact our customer service team to discuss recovery options. We can quickly evaluate your system to provide a price quote, failure analysis, turnaround estimate and other crucial case information.
Certified Technology for Microsoft Exchange Data Recovery
At Secure Data Recovery Services, we know that Exchange databases play a vital role in your business's day-to-day operation. We are one of the only Microsoft Exchange data recovery providers with 24/7/365 emergency services, and by using a dedicated team-based approach, we can recover most emergency cases in under 24 hours.
We also offer other turnaround options to meet your turnaround needs while staying within your budget. All of our services feature a no recovery, no charge guarantee - if we cannot recover your Exchange database, we do not process a service charge.
Features of our Microsoft Exchange data recovery service include:
- Dedicated Attention from Microsoft Exchange Specialists
- Frequent Status Updates and Online Case Monitoring Tools
- Fast Turnaround Times and 24/7/365 Emergency Services
- Risk-Free Diagnostics and a No Recovery, No Charge Guarantee
- Advanced Services for RAID Repair and RAID Data Recovery
- SSAE 18 Type II Certification and Other Credentials